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Mahavir Kmina Store

Gorra Mahavir Kmina

Mahavir Kmina shop

When you make your contribution, you receive an item from this store in return. In this way, you are giving a grain of sand so that Mahavir Kmina donates to more amputees the prosthesis they need to walk again.


Gorra naranja
gorra verde
Gorra azul turqueza
Gorra rosada
Gorra vino tinto
Gorra verde militar
gorra azul
gorra roja
gorra azul oscuro
gorra gris
gorra negra
gorra blanca


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camiseta negra
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camiseta polo naranja
camiseta polo blanca
camiseta polo negra
camiseta polo naranja
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camiseta polo negra
camiseta azul
camiseta polo azul
camiseta polo blanca
camiseta naranja

Find these items in our facilities.

More than 5,000 people have benefited from the prosthetics donated by Mahavir Kmina. In this blog we gather the testimonies of some of them. Cases of improvement that show that it is possible.

Learn more

More than 5,000 people from 10 Latin American countries have benefited. Learn more about the current situation of the problem we are fighting and the impact we are achieving in society.

If you are still not convinced, we invite you to learn about some cases of other people who managed to continue with their lives and their dreams with the help of the prostheses donated by Mahavir Kmina.

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