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Artisan Prosthetics Museum

A tribute to recursion

Throughout years of work, many people with improvised and handmade prostheses.The uniqueness of these empirical solutions motivated us to collect them in order to create an exhibition that now opens its doors to the public. The collection brings together some of the most curious and extravagant prostheses that the beneficiaries have brought with them to take ours.The exhibit highlights the tenacity of our beneficiaries, those who did not allow adversity to defeat them.

Museo de Prótesis Artesanales de Mahavir Kmina
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The prosthetics of the exhibition 

Handmade prostheses that keep a history

The Museum exhibit consists of more than 15 rudimentary prostheticsthat are part of our extensive collection. From wooden legs to a prosthesis made from a milk jug, at the Mahavir Kmina Artisan Prosthesis Museum it is possible to find all kinds of contraptions that impress due to their strangeness and, even more so, for what they reflect: the creativity and momentum of our beneficiaries.

The collection of handcrafted prostheses that we have is extensive, which is why the Museum has been conceived as an itinerant exhibition that will be renewed periodically. In addition, the space shows the awards given a Mahavir Kmina throughout its history, such as the Exemplary Colombian Award, granted by the newspaper El Colombiano in 2014.

Leather prosthesis

This small prosthesis is a particularly striking solution due to the material from which it is made: the leather of a jacket. This gadget belonged to a four-year-old Ecuadorian girl who was born without one of her legs and was made by her grandfather due to the difficulties in accessing a prosthesis in the neighboring country.

Prótesis artesanal niña
niña con prótesis artesanal
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